By now the last name Feller is a familiar one to One Man Brand listeners. That’s because Scott and Staci Feller are just the type of small business, mom-and-pop entrepreneurs we connect with so well.
Our most recent sit down with Scott Feller came at the Success Group International expo in Dallas, where business owners from all over North America gathered to learn how to grow their businesses and make the best decisions possible in the year ahead.
For the Fellers that will mean managing the success of Kanga Roof in Round Rock, and getting things running right at the new Koala Cooling. And lest you think they’re only home services businesspeople, they’ve got the recently acquired Hippo Café in Hutto that basically fell in their lap when their daughter told them to buy it so the beloved eatery wouldn’t close.
“We looked at it and it made sense,” he said. “We love Hutto and the people and want it to be a part of town.”
Scott brought team members from Kanga and Koala with him to the expo, to get everyone ingrained in the best possible business systems that will make both employees and customers feel great about their connection to the companies.
Since running three separate businesses with your spouse is a demanding proposition, we asked Scott how he and Staci manage the load. While heaping praise on his wife – “When you’re married to a saint it’s so easy.” – he said having an even divide of skills and tasks is what works for them.
“I’m a serial entrepreneur. Staci is the process person.”