Plumbing the depths of small business values in the time of Covid, with GC Plumbing Services’ Glenn Coburn

It’s always a treat to hear from one of our big supporters and sponsors of One Man Brand, and that was definitely the case when Glenn Coburn of GC Plumbing Services jumped on the line with us recently.

Normally we’d have done this as an in-person one-on-one interview, but in the age of Covid-19 we did like so many others and made do with a Zoom call and interacting digitally from far away.

Home services companies like GC – online at – are pretty essential even in normal conditions. Add in the need to keep everything in our lives as clean and sanitary as possible and the value of having your plumbing operating properly is obvious.

Host Ray Seggern has seen up close that Glenn means it when he says, “We take pride in respecting your property like it was our own,” since GC has spent A LOT of time getting Ray’s 1952 dream home in Crestview modernized and running right.

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Glenn and his team take time each day to evaluate and adjust the safety measures their field experts take whenever they enter a customer’s home. Some of those like shoe coverings to protect indoor surfaces were already standard, but using additional barrier protections and sanitizing all tools ahead of a visit are critical parts of the routine in our new world.

Glenn said they’re still all about the core GC values: safety, comfort and peace of mind.

“We feel we’ve been given an opportunity to serve our community, and we appreciate that opportunity.”